When looking at our unit run in the heating cycle you want to keep an eye out for Pressure, Discharge Super Heat, and also what the Compressor and EEV are doing. 

Diving specifically into the EEV we note that when the unit is ran in heating, during the time that the pressures are still equalized and about to go their own way, the EEV will be at 0PLS, but shortly after the compressor entering its first stage around 22RPS will start to open (around48-50PLS) and from here modulate and regulate depending on where the DSH is (We like to see it between 28-35 degrees) 

Its important to note that with in 15 minutes of unit in operation we should already see the compressor rising above 22 RPS, and the EEV above the 48pls. 

IF not run the following check on the EEV 

Disconnect from MCB

Molex it's self is a 5 wire connection 

Between the Grey wire and every other lead should be 40-50 ohms, Uniform all across


Between the other colors and each other NOT including Grey should be around 85-90 ohms.